  1. 2024 WYB&S Woodchuck Nights!
  2. Discounts at Dick’s
  3. Concession Stand is open
  4. WYBS night(s) at the Woodchucks
  5. Umpire Clinic

Registration is open, please follow this link to register for Tee Ball.

Developmental league where participants use a tee with a softer leather baseball. They will learn the basics of the game including base running and team cooperation. All participants are placed on teams according to the school they attend. For special requests, please contact the player agent listed below.

WYB&S Tee Ball Rules

Game Days: Monday & Wednesday

Season:  Early May to Late June; games start after 5 PM.

Tryouts/Draft:  No

Cost:  $60.00 (includes $20 Subway fundraising fee)

What WYB&S provides:  Woodchucks sponsored tee shirt and matching cap.

What you need:  WYB&S suggests baseball pants, belt, rubber cleats, and glove

Field Locations:




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