Find Games to Umpire
Claim aN Upcoming Game
- Umpires will receive payment coupons from the coaches at the conclusion of each game. The home team is assigned the plate umpire and the visiting team is assigned the base umpire.
- All youth umpires must attend at least one umpire clinic to be eligible for payment.
- Youth Umpires assigned to games 12u and below who work 4 games will receive a bonus pay of $25 Kwik Trip gift card in addition to their regular payment.
- Adult plate umpires for levels 12u and below will receive Kwik Trip gift card payment.
- Umpires for the levels Junior/Senior/14u leagues need to be WIAA or comparable certified or otherwise approved by the WYB&S umpire committee.
- Umpire coupons can be redeemed at Wausau Tax and Accounting, 903 S 17th Ave, Wausau, WI 54401
Become a WYB&S umpire
All youth umpires are expected to attend the WYB&S Umpire Clinic held every spring to be eligible to umpire. If you are unable to attend, arrangements need to be made with the Umpire coordinator to get an individual training session prior to umpiring games on your own.
- Umpires are expected to show up 10 minutes early and do their best to officiate the game.
- Umpires are responsible for enforcing the rules of the game and ensuring that all players and coaches adhere to them
- Umpires must be impartial and make calls based on their best judgment.
- Umpires must maintain a professional demeanor at all times and treat all players, coaches, and spectators with respect.
- Umpires must wear appropriate attire. Each field will have the appropriate shinguards, mask, and balloon protection.
- Umpires under 13 years of age will be allowed to umpire the bases one league below their current level of play. All other youth umpires can work any umpire position as long as their current level of play is higher than the league they are umpiring.
- Umpires must register online ( to reserve a game.
- The umpires will call balls and strikes, make safe/out calls, and enforce all the other rules of the game.
- Umpires will consult with the coaches on time limited games. Agreement by all parties is needed to shorten a game.
Instructions for Claiming Games to Umpire
Claiming Games - Using this Page
- Open the appropriate league tab for the games you would like to umpire. (Video)
- The games are ordered by date and you can see what position (Plate or Base Umpire) is needed.
- Note down the Game # for ALL THE GAMES you want to Umpire (Video) (The next step needs to be done for each Umpire Position you would like to fill. Therefore, if you plan to Plate Umpire some games & Base Umpire other games, you will do this step twice (once for Plate & once for Base))
- Claim Games as Plate Umpire: (Video)
- Open up the “Select Games to be Plate Ump” tab & fill out the form:
- Type & Select your Name
- Enter the game # of the game(s) you are claiming. Select that game. Repeat.
- Add your email for verification and submit
- Open up the “Select Games to be Plate Ump” tab & fill out the form:
- Claim Games as Base Umpire: Identical to above, just with the Base Umpire Tab